Saturday, July 24, 2010

Xbox 360 Lite-On Hack

So I have been in the hacking seen since the Xbox 1 days, when you would actually flash the tsop to enable homebrew dashboards to boot. Back then, I pimped out quite a few Xbox's with light and a see through case, even a see through DVD drive. Hopefully I can dig up some of those pics and post them here one of these days.

Anyway, a while back I made it known to friends and family that I had bought a Maximus connectivity kit with a spear, which at the time was all you needed to flash every drive know to the Xbox 360. Well, times have changed and now there are 3 news drives and new methods of hacking them. But that is not out concern here.

I was approached the other night by my neighbour who asked me to flash his 2 year old 360 so he would be able to play backups, and here are some pics of my work.
The 360 I was working on

The 360 taken apart

The Lite-On drive (74850 drive)

The drive again

The drive taken apart, so I can use the probe to extract the key

My Maximus Connectivity Kit wit the optional Spear for key extraction

Well so I hooked it all up to my PC and went on to extract the key and flash the new firmware. Now, I haven't used the spear in quite a few months, so when I hooked it up it didn't work. Turns out I had the connector on backwards. Disaster averted. I must say this was the easiest and quickest flash I have done on a lite-on to date, this was my third by the way.

Normally after I do the lite-on erase, I would have a hard time getting the drive into vendor mode. But, for the first time ever, it worked just like it was supposed to.

Anyone looking for info on how to do this type of hack, I suggest going to:

There you can find all the info needed to do this hack on almost any xbox 360 drive. (at the time of this blog, all but one drive)